Buy the London Explorer Pass with up to 20% off. Just use a promo code and online deals to save your money. Get useful info and tips about the pass and the attractions in the following questions & answers. Use the buttons* below to find some valid promo codes.
Combine with February promotion!
Prices & Info updated February 15, 2025
Click the buttons* to view the discount code and to copy it for the use on the provider website!
At the top of this web page you can find the latest promo codes that have been tested by me. In the lower part of this answer, you can find a list of current offers and prices. To use one of these codes, you simply need to select the desired quantity on the London Explorer Pass Prices* page. Afterwards click on the two buttons -Add to basket- and -Go to checkout-. This will forward you straight to the order page. There you will find a section with the order summary. On the smartphone you have to click first on the text -Order Summary- to see this section. In the order summary, you will find the text -Enter gift or promo code-. When you click this text, the following input field will appear:
After you have entered the promotion code and clicked on -Apply- you will get a message and see immediately how much discount you will receive and the shopping cart will be updated with the new prices. There you will see a line with the discount for the online campaign, if available, and a line with the discount for the promo code, if you have entered a valid code.
In order to ensure a correct function of the codes, please click on the button -Website- in the list below to get to the provider website.
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The following table shows for each standard price the possible discounts with the reduced prices for the various sales deals.
London Explorer Pass | Standard price¹ | Max. discount¹ |
Best price² |
Online offer¹ |
Newsletter promotions¹ |
Promo code¹ |
2 attractions | £ 75.00 | 17 % | £ 62.10 | |||
3 attractions | £ 105.00 | 20 % | £ 84.60 | |||
4 attractions | £ 130.00 | 18 % | £ 107.10 | |||
5 attractions | £ 161.00 | 20 % | £ 129.60 | |||
6 attractions | £ 191.00 | 20 % | £ 152.10 | |||
7 attractions | £ 206.00 | 20 % | £ 165.60 |
¹) The indicated prices and discounts are only guide values and may change at any time. There is no warranty for completeness.
²) By using a promo code during an online campaign you will get this approximate price. Unfortunately, this combination is sometimes not possible.
If there is no online sales campaign* available at the moment, then a promotion code is the fastest and easiest way to get a special price. If there is also no promotion code currently available, you will have another option to get a discount. With the help of a newsletter registration you will usually receive a personal promo code and will also be informed about online sales campaigns. Read the next questions and answers to find out more about the different discount possibilities.
The London Explorer Pass offers you the opportunity to choose from about 90 different attractions. First the bad news, the highlight Madame Tussauds is not included. In my opinion, however, this is really the only missing famous attraction:
If you want to visit Madame Tussauds with a sightseeing pass then you should have a look at the sightseeing pass table with alternative products.
If you want to buy the pass right away, you should check whether a online sales campaign is running. You may also receive a special price immediately if you sign up for the newsletter from the provider. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes it takes a few days until you get a personal promotion code.
Currently there is seldom a sales offer on the provider website*. During such a online offer you will get a special price with up to 10% discount and it lasts for a few days. Unfortunately, the campaign dates are always different and therefore it is not possible to predict it. By signing up for the newsletter you will usually receive a message when a online sales campaign starts. So you do not have to visit the website regularly to check for a current online offer.
On the bottom of the provider website* you will find the sign up box for the newsletter. You just have to enter your e-mail address and normally there is no confirmation mail for the registration. If a newsletter campaign is currently running you will immediately receive some information about reduced prices. Otherwise, you will have to wait usually a few minutes before you receive the first e-mail with some information about the pass. In most cases you will receive with this message a personal promo code for 5% discount. After that, you will receive further e-mails with general information and also news about current sales campaigns. Of course, you are able to unsubscribe from these newsletters at any time. All you have to do is click on the text -Unsubscribe here- in one of the received e-mails.
There are often online offers with discounts available. Therefore, buy the pass early enough in order to avoid paying the higher standard price. Since the pass is valid for 2 years from the date of purchase, you stay flexible despite an early order. However, if you do not want to take any risks, do not buy the pass more than 90 days in advance of your travel date. You have the possibility to cancel your purchase by mail without extra charges for up to 90 days. More information on this can be found on following web page: Risk-Free Guarantee*.
You may choose between two types of shipment options. Either you print out the pass after receiving the order confirmation or you simply save the Explorer Pass on your smartphone. All who own an iOS or Android smartphone can choose this comfortable option, the Mobile London Explorer Pass*. This app gives you the option to visit the selected sights just with your smartphone and there is no need to print something.
* This web page contains affiliate links / ads. More Information