
Baden in Austria

Baden in Austria Map

Interactive Map

The city-walks online-map of Baden in Austria makes it easy for you to find your targets in the town area. Just use the search field or select one of the different available layers from predefined areas like attractions, restaurants, parking areas, view points and further Points of Interest. For each selected point you get some basic information and for the city-walks layers some additional detailed description and pictures in the info field area. The selected information and the map are also clearly arranged in the printout.

City Map PDF File for Downloading

The PDF map of the center of Baden in Austria is especially designed to the demands of pedestrians. The applied scale is approximately 1:5000 and due to that it is possible to have a clear and comfortable display of the town center. The most important sights are marked as stars with numbers to rate the different sights. Impressive buildings are colored in dark brown. Pedestrian areas, car-free paths and squares are colored light red so that you can choose your best way through the historic spa town. If you want to arrive by car you can also find the most important parking areas colored blue. And if you need a restroom on your walk through Baden in Austria then it is uncomplicated to find the public toilets which are marked with a "WC" symbol.

To search for streets or places simply use the text search function of your PDF reader.
Please click on the map picture for downloading the PDF file version.